
Playwright vs Selenium – Which Automation Tool Reigns Supreme?

Selenuium vs Playwright-DragonflyTest blog article

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Are you torn between Selenium and Playwright for your test automation needs? Choosing the right tool can make all the difference in streamlining your testing process and ensuring optimal results. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Selenium vs Playwright to help you make an informed decision. Let’s embark on a journey to explore these two powerful automation tools and discover which one suits your requirements best!

Multiple Browser Support: Playwright vs. Selenium




Browser Compatibility

Supports Chromium (Chrome and Edge), Firefox, and WebKit (Safari) out of the box. There’s no need for separate drivers; Playwright handles browser downloads and management automatically.

Supports a variety of browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Opera. It uses specific drivers for each browser (e.g., ChromeDriver for Chrome, GeckoDriver for Firefox).

Ease of Setup

Simplifies setup by handling browser installations and management automatically

Requires manual setup and configuration of browser drivers

Parallel Execution

Provides parallel execution within the same browser instance using isolated contexts, making it efficient for running multiple tests concurrently.

Supports parallel execution across different machines and browsers, which is ideal for large-scale testing environments

Browser Version Testing

Ability to test against multiple versions of browsers without additional setup gives it an edge for comprehensive regression testing.

Can test different versions, but it requires manual management of browser drivers.

Standardization vs. Modern Features

Being newer, incorporates modern features and capabilities directly.

Follows the W3C WebDriver standard, ensuring broad compatibility but sometimes lagging in adopting new browser features.

Waiting Mechanism: Playwright vs. Selenium



Ease of Use

Auto-waiting mechanisms simplify the test scripts by reducing the need for explicit waits, leading to cleaner and more reliable code.

Requires more explicit waits and custom handling for different conditions, which can make the code more verbose and prone to errors if not handled properly.


Provides a more streamlined and consistent approach with auto-waiting and built-in conditions, which simplifies test maintenance.

Offers more granular control over waiting mechanisms with explicit, implicit, and fluent waits, allowing for precise control over wait conditions.


Auto-waiting reduces the chances of flakiness and makes tests more reliable as it dynamically waits for elements to be ready.

Requires careful handling of waits to avoid flakiness, as relying on fixed sleep durations can lead to brittle tests.


By waiting only as long as necessary, Playwright can lead to faster test execution compared to fixed waits.

Depending on the implementation, Selenium tests can sometimes have longer wait times due to conservative fixed waits.

Language Support: Playwright vs. Selenium



Language Range

Focuses on a more concise set of languages, specifically JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C#, and Java, which are among the most commonly used in web development and testing.

Offers support for a wider range of languages, including Ruby and Kotlin, in addition to the mainstays like Java, Python, and C#.

Consistency and Modern APIs

Provides a more consistent and modern API across all supported languages, benefiting from its more recent development and design.

While powerful, has more variation in its API implementations across different languages due to its older architecture and longer history.

Community and Ecosystem

Though newer, it is rapidly growing and has strong support from Microsoft, with a focus on modern development practices.

Has a vast and well-established community with a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks across its supported languages.

Ease of Adoption

Appeals to teams looking for a modern, consistent API and those who primarily work with the supported languages.

Its broad language support and long history make it a go-to choice for many established projects and teams.

Headless and Headful Modes Support: Playwright vs. Selenium



Ease of Configuration

Provides a unified and simple way to toggle between headless and headful modes with a single configuration flag, making it more user-friendly.

Requires manual configuration to enable headless mode, with different options for each browser. This can add complexity and potential for configuration errors.

Default Mode

Defaults to headless mode, which is often preferable for automated testing environments but easily configurable to headful mode when needed.

Runs in headful mode by default, which may be useful for interactive testing and debugging but requires additional configuration for headless operation.

Consistency Across Browsers

Provides a consistent API for headless and headful modes across all supported browsers, simplifying the setup and reducing the learning curve.

Different browsers have different flags and options to enable headless mode, leading to inconsistent setup across projects.

Use Cases

Ideal for teams looking for a straightforward and consistent approach to headless testing, with the flexibility to easily switch to headful mode for debugging.

Suitable for teams that need fine-grained control over browser options and are comfortable with the configuration complexity. Ideal for environments where the visual verification of tests is frequently required.

Context Isolation: Playwright vs. Selenium



Resource Efficiency

Uses lightweight browser contexts within a single browser instance, significantly reducing resource usage.

Requires launching a full browser instance for each test, which can be resource-intensive.


Provides true context isolation within a single browser instance, ensuring complete separation of test data and state.

Achieves isolation by running separate browser instances, which is effective but less efficient.

Parallel Execution

Can run multiple contexts in parallel within the same browser instance, simplifying parallel test execution.

Can run tests in parallel using Selenium Grid, which involves more setup and infrastructure.

Configuration and Flexibility

Allows for flexible and independent configuration of each browser context, providing greater control over test environments.

Offers configuration through profiles and capabilities, but isolation is tied to browser instances.


Improved performance due to efficient context management within a single browser process.

Performance may be impacted by the overhead of running multiple browser instances.

Cross-Platform Support: Selenium vs. Playwright



Operating System Support

Fully supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, with excellent Docker support for consistent environments.

Fully supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, and extends to mobile platforms via Appium.

Ease of Setup and Management

Simplifies setup with automatic browser management and a unified API, making it easier to maintain cross-browser tests.

Requires manual setup and management of browser drivers. Selenium Grid setup can be complex.

Distributed and Parallel Testing

Supports parallel testing with isolated browser contexts, simplifying parallel test execution without needing a grid setup.

Offers robust distributed testing capabilities with Selenium Grid, suitable for large-scale test execution.

Android & iOS Real Devices Support: Playwright vs. Selenium



Native Real Device Support

Does not have built-in support for real devices. Its focus is on desktop browsers and device emulation rather than real mobile device testing.

Through Appium, Selenium provides robust support for real Android and iOS devices, including native and hybrid apps. This integration allows direct interaction with real devices for comprehensive testing.

Setup and Configuration

Simplifies the setup for web testing with device emulation but lacks native support for configuring real device interactions.

Requires additional setup for Appium and device management. It involves configuring Appium servers, connecting real devices, and specifying device capabilities.

Device Cloud Services

Can also integrate with device cloud services for real device testing, but this is not a native feature and requires additional configuration.

Can be used with device cloud services like BrowserStack and Sauce Labs to test on real devices, providing a way to access and run tests on various real devices hosted on these platforms.

Testing Focus

Focuses on web testing with device emulation for mobile browsers, making it ideal for testing responsive web applications and mobile-specific web interactions.

Comprehensive mobile testing support via Appium, making it suitable for teams that require real device testing for both native and web applications.

Mobile and Device Emulation

Provides built-in device emulation, making it simpler to test across various devices and screen sizes.

Requires integration with Appium for mobile testing, which adds complexity.

Built-in Test Runner: Playwright vs. Selenium



Test Runner Availability

Comes with its own built-in test runner, Playwright Test, offering an integrated solution for test execution and management.

Does not come with a built-in test runner. Users must integrate with external test frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, pytest, or Mocha.

Setup and Configuration

Simplifies setup with its built-in test runner, providing integrated support for test isolation, parallel execution, and reporting.

Requires manual setup of test frameworks and runners. Users must configure their own test suites, reporting, and parallel execution strategies.

Features and Capabilities

Provides a rich set of features out-of-the-box with Playwright Test, including test fixtures, parallel execution, built-in assertions, and integrated reporting.

Offers flexibility through integration with various test frameworks but requires additional setup for features like parallel execution and reporting.

Debugging and Reporting

Includes built-in support for debugging and rich reporting features, making it easier to manage and analyze test results.

Requires external tools and libraries for advanced reporting and debugging, depending on the test framework used.


As we wrap up this discussion on Selenium vs Playwright, it's clear that both automation tools offer unique features and capabilities. Choosing the right tool depends on your specific testing requirements and preferences. It's essential to evaluate factors like ease of use, performance, browser support, and community support before making a decision.

Whether you opt for Selenium or Playwright will depend on your project needs and goals. Both tools have their strengths, so taking the time to assess which aligns best with your objectives is crucial for successful test automation implementation.