DB Automation

DragonFlyTest - DB Automation

Database Automation testing is important because it helps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data, prevents unauthorized access to data, and helps to save data that would otherwise be lost due to aborted transactions. By testing the database, organizations can catch errors and potential security risks before they cause major problems. Additionally, database testing can help improve the performance of the overall system by identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Business Needs and Objectives of Database Automation

Database Automation testing is an essential part of any software development process. However, it can also be one of the most challenging aspects of the job. There are a number of different challenges that can make database testing difficult, including:

– Ensuring that all data is valid and consistent

– Identifying and fixing data integrity issues

– Performance testing to ensure that the database can handle high volumes of data

– Security testing to ensure that the database is secure from attack

These are just some of the challenges that can be faced when database testing. overcoming these challenges is essential for any software development team that wants to be successful.

DragonFlyTest Solution

Database validations are a critical part of ensuring data integrity and quality. There are a few important conditions that will be automated in order to validate databases:

1. All data must be complete and accurate. This means that all required fields must be filled in and no incorrect information can be entered.

2. All data must be consistent. This means that the same data cannot be entered in different ways (for example, using different spellings or formats) and that data cannot contradict itself.

3. All data must be timely. This means that it must be up-to-date and reflect the current state of affairs.

4. All data must be relevant. This means that it must be pertinent to the task at hand and not extraneous information.

5. Verifies that data that has been updated from the user interface has been stored according to the requirements

6. Before inserting data into the database under test, validate the TRIM operations performed on the data

7. Verifies that the data is well organized logically

8. Have the transactions been performed according to the business requirements specifications, and are the results correct

9. Verifies that the data stored in the tables is accurate and meets the business requirements

10. Utilizes the design procedures specified by the business requirements of the system to ensure that all transactions have been executed

11. Verifies that the application under test does not contain any unnecessary data

12. Once a transaction has been successfully executed, it is verified that the data has been committed correctly

13. The data is rolled back if the transaction has not been executed successfully by the end user

14. Ensures that data has been rolled back if the transaction has not been executed successfully 

Key Features of our Automation Framework

As your business grows, so does the need for efficient and reliable data management. Database automation can help you keep track of your customer information, inventory levels, financial data, and more. By automating key processes, you can free up time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. Here are some of the benefits of database automation:

– Improved accuracy and consistency: Automated databases can help reduce errors and ensure that data is entered correctly. This can be especially important for financial data.

– Increased efficiency: Automated databases can save time by eliminating manual data entry and retrieval. This can help you speed up processes and get more work done in less time.

– Greater flexibility: Automated databases offer greater flexibility than manual systems. You can customize them to meet your specific needs and change them as your business evolves.

– Improved customer service: Automated databases can help you keep track of customer information and preferences, making it easier to provide them with the services they need and want.

– Reduced costs: Automated databases can save you money by reducing or eliminating the need for paper records, saving on storage costs, and reducing staff hours spent on data entry.