
Mobile App vs. Web App Testing: Understanding the Key Differences

Mobile App and Web App Testing

Are you planning to develop a new app for your business or organization? One of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether to create a mobile app or web app. But that’s just the beginning – once you’ve chosen your platform, you also need to consider how best to test it. Mobile app testing and web app testing are not the same thing, and understanding their differences can mean the difference between success and failure. In this blog post, we’ll explore those differences in depth so that you can choose the right approach for your needs.

Introduction to Mobile App and Web App Testing

Web App Testing

Web testing is a crucial part of assembling any web application or website, as you don’t want to invest the many resources in time and money you’ve spent developing this web application and then have it run into immediate problems upon release. We have seen that happen before, and it isn’t pretty. It always includes various other testing methods like Functional testing, Usability testing, Integration testing, Database testing, Compatibility testing, etc. In order to test all the elaborate functional features of the application, user interfaces, navigation pattern, communication between the application & databases, which basically covers the end-to-end flow of the Web Application.

Mobile App Testing

Mobile application testing is a process through which applications being developed for mobile devices are tested. The main focus is to test the apps for functionality, usability and stability.

Mobile application testing is vital for an app’s survival in today’s market. To assure the best possible quality for the end users – the application is also tested from various other aspects including its performance, security, and the UI.

When it comes to testing mobile apps and web apps, there are a few key differences that you need to be aware of. For starters, mobile app testing is typically done on real devices, while web app testing is usually done on emulators or simulators.

Another key difference is that mobile app tests are often focused on the user interface and user experience, while web app tests tend to be more focused on functionality. Additionally, mobile app tests tend to be shorter and more concise than web app tests.

Finally, it’s important to note that there are different types of mobile apps (native, hybrid, and web) and each one requires a different approach when it comes to testing. With all of these factors in mind, let’s take a closer look at the key differences between mobile app and web app testing.

Benefits of Mobile App Testing

1. Properly functioned: QAs’ goal is to make sure that an app functions without a glitch. To ensure a fully functional product, they use real devices (not simulators) to test apps.
2. UX/UI improvements: QA’s assumes like an end-users while testing any application. So they will check the UI part also. It should be attractive and ease of use.
3. Customer satisfaction : When app functioning and usability are checked, customers are likely to be satisfied. So, QA can be analyzed in all aspects of app to make a good vibe in the market and reach people.
4. Growth in Revenue: When you have good UI, and faster performance of application, it will give back an excellent return. With proper testing, a greater business return can be expected.

Benefits of Web App Testing

1. Bug-free Application: There are few errors that are often overlooked by a developer. These errors must be rectified before presenting the website to the end-user by QA.
2. User Experience : Testers evaluates the UI look & feel of website. User interaction/navigation across the webpages properly checked.
3. Compatibility: Website should be platform independent and should functioning in any browser.
4. Gain users-trust: As users prefers performance of application, QA has to verify smoothness and security of application.

Key Differences between Mobile App and Web App Testing

While testing mobile App, QA needs to make sure installation and uninstallation of app to avoid crashes. Mobile app should supports of different networks(Wifi, 4G, 3G etc.,). App should supports various devices with different resolutions and OSs(iOS, Android and windows). Should consider memory, battery and power factors for mobile App. Nowadays, mobile apps are also accessible via peripheral devices connected to the mobile such as fitness trackers, smart watches etc. Hence, they need to be tested on these devices as well.
When it comes to Web App, responsiveness and different browsers and OS combinations. Web Apps are only depends of browsers, no constraints like power and drain battery like mobile App.tWeb apps are accessible in peripheral devices include webcams etc. Not a larger use anyways.

Challenges with Mobile and Web App Testing

Mobile devices have become essential part of our lives. Anything a smartphone can be done through mobile Apps. Because of the increasing number of mobile-OS-browser combinations, different devices, various screen sizes, Frequent OS updates, it become a real challenge for developers and testers to be on top of their game.
Testing is fundamental challenge while testing web Apps. Proving end-to-end functionality of different OSs and browsers, consistent usability , performance and security plays crucial role in web Apps.


Full functionality with a great UX, and revenue must ensure that both mobile and web application testing are given equal weightage. It depends on the business needs whether the App is on a web or mobile platform, but having both gives you an advantage over your competitors.