Accessibility Testing – Screen Reader Users
Table of Contents SUMMARY: When testing with your screen reader, use the same keyboard navigation strategies that you used in the previous section (TAB, ENTER,

Accessibility Testing for Keyboard Navigation
Table of Contents SUMMARY The goal with keyboard testing is to make sure your website or software is 100% usable with only a keyboard. The

Accessibility Testing Issues
Table of Contents WHY ACCESSIBILITY TESTING IS IMPORTANT The web should not be a barrier to anyone. Your community should not have to change to

WCAG Accessibility
Table of Contents WCAG ACCESSIBILITY PRINCIPLES: There are 4 main guiding principles of accessibility upon which WCAG has been built. These 4 principles are known

Usability Testing
Table of Contents WHAT IS USABILITY TESTING Usability refers to how easily and efficiently users can interact with a system, and during usability testing, factors

Accessibility Testing
Table of Contents WHAT IS SOFTWARE TESTING PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To ensure all the client functional requirements are developed in the enterprise application SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To